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Setup Maker Software


Windows Installer Setup Maker Software is an advanced setup creator tool of Data Doctor for the windows application program setup generation. The setup wizard creation tool has a complete professional look and helps the software developers to easily distribute the created setup of their windows application program. The software installer setup maker places all your executable software data files into self extracting executable setup format and provides best alternative solution to complex and expensive setup creator tool. The install setup builder is easy to use and provide an efficient solution to generate program setup which helps in smooth running of your computer software. The compact setup maker creates the efficient small size setup which takes less memory space and easily distributed. The customized setup installation tool deals with the entire detail of your computer program and creates the setup no bother in which programming language the application software is designed. Our latest setup creator even offers the facility of generating the uninstall setup of your windows software programs.The software installer setup builder is mainly helpful to software programmers who have to distribute their developed programs from one system to another without any hindrance. The best setup creator package maintains the integrity of your application program while generating the software setup file and provides the complete professional look which gives your customer a better installation experience. The setup generating wizard even stores the general, destination, shortcuts, dialogs, add files and registry path details of your product and save all of it as .ddl file format which can be used for further applications. Data Doctor`s Setup creator software package is most powerful, efficient, cost-effective and reliable solution for your windows application programs and save your time by generating the software setup in few easy steps. The professional setup maker provides friendly graphical interface and no technical or programming skills are required for software creation. The setup maker utility has the advanced setup generating tool and supports the entire windows edition.

Screenshots of Setup Maker Software

Setup Maker Software

Click on "General" button from install menu to get information about installed package like - Product name, version, company name etc.

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Setup Maker Software

File compression process is going on to reduce file size of compiled setup.

Setup Maker Software

Select Files from install menu to add destination file path after creating setup.

Setup Maker Software

To specify uninstall title and webpage of product for which you want to make Uninstallation package click on "General" button from Uninstall menu.

โœจSoftware Features

  • Powerful and easy to use setup generator tool.
  • Stores the entire detail of your application software including (general information, add files, dialogs, shortcuts and registry) and save them in .ddl file format which can further be reused.
  • Provides the install as well as uninstall setup making facility for your application software.
  • Go through the entire detail of your windows program and creates the setup developed in any programming language.
  • Highly interactive feature and no programming and technical skills are required to operate on software setup maker.
  • Have standard professional appearance and quickly creates the software setup thus saves your time on learning the other complex setup installation programs.