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Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Oracle to MySQL database conversion software converts Oracle data base into MySQL database format. Oracle database converter software supports all attributes, data types and key constraints while converting into the desired My SQL database format. Also you can save the converted database records at a specified location for future reference.

Screenshots of Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Fill required server details to establish connection between Oracle and MySQL server.

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Choose the table attributes

Choose table attributes that you want to convert and click 'Next' button.

Select Oracle Table(s)

Select Oracle Table(s) and enter MySQL destination database name, then proceed to 'Convert Button'.

Select views from a list

Select views from list that you want to add or remove, then click on Confirm button.

DB conversion is going on

Now you can see the current running status of database conversion process.

โœจSoftware Features

  • Database migration utility converts entire or selected database records into MySQL database.
  • Oracle to MySQL database converter easily convert individual table or entire database records into the required MySQL database.
  • Support for all Oracle data types and attributes during conversion process.
  • Saves converted records at a new location or overwrites the converted records into an existing My SQL database.
  • You can save converted database records at new location or overwritten to existing location.
  • Converts password protected MS Access database files.