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MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

Advanced MS Excel to MySQL database migration utility convert selected or entire MS Excel worksheet records into MySQL database records. No need to take help of database experts or professionals for converting MS Excel database records into MySQL database format. During Microsoft Excel to MySQL conversion process, software maintains the database integrity with support for all database data types, schemas and constraints etc.

Screenshots of MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

Enter MySQL server login details and select MS Excel spreadsheet to convert into MySQL database.

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Enter MySQL destination database name

Enter MySQL destination database name, select MS Excel worksheet and click on 'Convert' button.

DB conversion is in progress

Here you can see the current running status of Database Conversion Process.

✨Software Features

  • Convert entire database or user selected MS Excel database records into MySQL database.
  • Converts selected or bulk database records as per users’ requirements.
  • MS Excel to MySQL database converter utility works accurately with support for all versions of MS Excel and MySQL server.
  • Db converter tool supports all database attributes, key constraints, schemas and data types during the time of database conversion.
  • You can save converted database records at new location or overwritten at existing location.