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Birthday Cards Maker Software

Birthday Cards Maker Software

Birthday Cards Maker Software generates and prints birthday greeting cards, birthday wishes and invitation cards. Software provides various card designing tools including Pencil, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, Picture, Arc and Star objects. Software design custom birthday cards in different shapes like rectangle, ellipse and rounded rectangle according to user's choice. You can design and print multiple birthday invitation cards using batch processing series feature of software.

Screenshots of Birthday Cards Maker Software

Choose any one option

Choose any one option from Design Birthday Invitation or Design Birthday Greeting.

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Fill Label Information

Enter Label Name, Size, choose Label Shape and specify the type of fold. Click 'Finish' button to continue.

Text Property

Design happy birthday card according to your choice. Add text on b'day card and adjust various text properties including color and other settings of text.

Add birthday image on card

Add images regarding birthday on card. Software provides various birthday images and symbols to add on card. You can also browse path of image saved on your computer.

Print designed birthday card

To print designed birthday card adjust print settings and click on Print button. You can also see the print preview by clicking on Print Preview button.

โœจSoftware Features

  • Advanced birthday card builder utility provides amazing color and background settings like solid color, gradient image and style settings to create colorful birthday cards.
  • Birthday card designer tool provides option to start new card format or edit existing birthday card format.
  • Software provides facility to add photos, background color and images to create professional good-looking birthday cards.

More About Software :-

  • โœ”Export or save designed birthday cards in different file formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PDF etc.
  • โœ”Software provides option to save designed birthday card log for future reference.
  • โœ”You can send created birthday cards at specified email IDs using advanced email settings of program.
  • โœ”Provide Print setting option to print designed birthday card.
  • โœ”Provides inbuilt data set series features to design multiple birthday cards.