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Internet history eraser tool

The internet history eraser cleans your PC search history like yahoo search history, Google history and other major search engine searches. The tool completely cleans and removes history files, temporary internet files, cookies and erases the browser path completely. The quickest and secure erasing software wipes the erotic files and prevent the risk of accessing the distasteful content. Do you surf the internet and send personal E-mail at work? Your work PC will be full of evidence. It is now getting common for organization investigates the contents of employees workers computers regularly without your permission or knowledge. Your job could be at risk, what would happen to you if you lost your job? People are losing jobs because of their Internet activities. Internet history eraser IE software erase cookies temp cache clear browser typed URL delete surfing visited offline website information wipe temporary internet files address bar start menu past activity clean sweep dropdown web site.

Screenshots of Internet history eraser tool

Internet history eraser tool

โœจSoftware Features

  • Permanently removes internet explorer files.
  • Delete history files and temp Internet files and folders.
  • Completely erases the browser path to enhance your privacy.
  • Delete yours windows internet temp files and cookies files.
  • Better performance by cleaning the unwanted files.
  • User friendly graphical user interface.